Hao Peng, Ph.D.
Welcome to Hao Peng's website!
Hao Peng is a current postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Merced. Before he joined the current group, he studied at University of Missouri, Columbia and obtained both his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Due to his outstanding academic performance, he was awarded the "Missouri Honors Award" in 2012. Hao Peng is sophisticated with modeling of complex structures and materials, as well as fluid flow, phase-change, heat transfer and laser-material interaction. His current research interest focuses on multiphysical simulation of metallic additive manufacturing, acoustic metamaterials and oscillating heat pipes.
Technical Focus & Interest
Self-developed finite-element codes for solid mechanics and heat transfer problems.
Design and modeling of acoustic metamaterials for vibration suppression and wave absorption
Modeling of the laser/electron-beam-based additive manufacturing processes.
Structure and material behavior under extreme conditions, such as crack propagation, penetration, collision and phase change.
Selected Publication

Dr. Hao Peng
Postdoctoral Researcher
RM277 SE1 UC Merced
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